Here's how the gas tank went. It's actually a plastic cover, not the actual tank itself. That made it a little easier I suppose, prepping plastic is a little easier than metal. Again, the shape and contours dictated the design. It has a slight indented area in the middle of the tank, creating a frame that goes around the outside. I juggled ideas and designs until I just said screw it and started painting stuff. I made up a few things as I went.
First: Actually the third mask I did. The background texture is already painted, and the "tube" scythe handle is already done. This mask is for the missile on the left. I included the Hellfire missile because thats what the drones are loaded with. Doing "metal" was actually pretty easy, as long as you could keep a steady hand.

Second: Again, this is actually a few masks in, I had already done the scythe blade, IV bottle, and some other industrial parts. In this picture I was freehanding the skull. Base of white, details and shadows in root beer brown, then final details in black.
Third: The sides gave me problems. There was a lot of space to cover and I had trouble tying everything in with the top design. I came up with a "lazy" answer, did a cutaway view and added some ammo along the sides. Actually went pretty quick using masks and the same "metal" technique as the missile.

Fourth: I didn't get any pics of the top outside edge in progress, mostly because I did a lot of it freehand and some handheld stencils. But I bordered the design in a rusty, bronze kind of metal, added some vents, and some holes. There are six holes, those represent my brothers "kills". I was gonna do spades, but they didn't really fit with the whole design. This pic is the finished, intercoated pieces for comparison.
Fifth: Pic of the almost finished bike. He had a guy clear coat the first two pieces since I don't have a spray gun. Front fender and tank in place. All that is left is the rear fender. He's gonna pic it up at the end of the month when he flies out for Hawaii.
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