Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I know, not much to get excited about, but I am planning on making these guys vital in my army. I have read a lot about the snipers and how they aren't as powerful or useful as say, eldar rangers, but the models look cool. I am hoping on using my sniper squad + heavy bolter to keep some enemy elements pinned down and distracted. For both scout squads I decided to play with the colors a little bit, making their armor more of a blue-gray with khaki underneath. The idea is that these guys haven't "earned the black" yet and become true Mortifactors. 

The second squad is going to be made up of close combat scouts. Their main job is going to be to infiltrate, engage an enemy squad, and tie them down. They will also be carrying a terminator beacon so that they can call in support once they start getting chewed up. Hopefully these guys have gotten into a position behind the lines and they can unleash my squad of assault termies to wreak havoc in the ranks. So, snipers on one side, scouts and terminators on the other. Meanwhile a couple of tac squad marines lay down covering fire and as my assault marines and chaplain come from out of nowhere.

As for the painting, the snipers were the first minis I have painted for about 15 years. I have some rust, actually a lot of it, but I like how they came out. They aren't 100% finished yet, I still have to paint the camo on their cloaks, I have a cool WWI German pattern I am going to try. Still, I think they look pretty cool for a first try. The cc scouts, hmmm. They are becoming more of a testing ground. These guys were part of my original 1990 collection, I think they came with a set of Tyranids. They are funny little guys, slightly shorter than regular marines, I am calling them my pygmy warriors. They came with mohawks, which works well for my Morts, Posul is a feral, tribal planet. I decided to play that angle and added face tattoos to see what it looked like. I like the blue, an idea stolen from Braveheart. Anyway, the primer on them is as old as the models, I probably should have stripped them. I painted a black/brown wash on them to give them a grimy look, but as you can see, the wash pushed OUT of the recessed areas for some stupid reason. Anyway, no worries as these guys were basically free, I can work out some kinks while I paint them. 

1 comment:

Omega Agent1 said...

the scouts look good. Lord Thantos that's a cool code name, I just had to tell ya. thebronzetigerblogspot.com