Finally. Dale is dead. Enough of his whiny, holier than thou, cry baby preaching. He became more annoying every episode. It was poetic justice that he was torn apart and had to be put out of his misery with a shot to the head, the same end that he so enthusiastically opposed during his last show.
Dale embodied the ultimate of sweet goodness, the moral hero. I've never liked characters like that. They are too good, too moral, too perfect. They are so caught up in their own self righteousness that they cannot understand other, less perfect people. They never stray from their nobel convictions, even if it means less than favorable consequences for others. He put a stop to almost every tough decision the group had to face, whining and complaining about how they weren't acting "civilized" anymore. Ummmmm, Dale, excuse me, Dale, would you look around for a sec? There are zombies, flesh eating zombies wandering around, trying to eat you...
I, on the other hand, am a fan of Shane. Oh I know, that's bad and I am probably in the minority, but for the most part, Shane has been right on. The only questionable thing has been the weird awkward relationship he has had with Rick's wife.(Thats another story though, I'm not a fan of her either) I guess I've always been more drawn to the darker characters; Darth Vader, Josey Wales, Captain Ahab. They've always seemed more real, more lifelike, than the do-gooders. I suppose this mirrors my personality. Not evil, just, necessary. Shane, for example. He saw a barn full of zombies and said "We need to get rid of them." Why this caused a need for discussion, I don't know, but to me it was a simple fix. Sometimes tough decisions require tough action. Not everything needs to be discussed. Not everything has to be politically correct. So, good riddance Dale, maybe now the show can go on.
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