Sunday, August 26, 2012

RIP Neil Armstrong

On Saturday a personal hero of mine passed away; Neil Armstrong, space explorer, self pronounced nerd. My connection with Armstrong is my birthday, I was born the day he landed on moon. That small coincidence has always made me feel special. I've always been interested in the stars and adventure. Neil Armstrong accomplished something that less than a handful of human beings ever have, he walked on the moon. Someday, I'm sure it will happen again, but I'm doubtful it will be in my lifetime. The slowdown in manned space exploration has kept humans landlocked ever since the 60's. Now robots probe nearby planets, the need to send humans seems to be unnecessary.

Armstrong's death is very sad to me. It dates me. It's like part of me is gone also. This weekend was sad overall, lots of things changing, lots of things ending and passing on.

Anyway, I wish Neil the best. Hopefully he's exploring another kind of space now.

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