First UGH!!!!! I hate missing the extra scenes. But it seems that whoever I go with, they feel the need to leave early and skip the credits. Anyway, it looks like I missed the last couple scenes in the Avengers, one that introduces the next possible villain (who will remain unnamed). This weeked was full of highlights. The Avengers was an awesome movie. It put together all of the bits from the other movies, which by themselves, weren't AS good. This movie tied it all up, and even introduced a few little cool tidbits, like the SHIELD Heli-carrier. Cool. Hulk stole the show, actually Bruce Banner did. Of the three versions, I like Mark Ruffalo the best. He had a quirkiness to him that seemed to fit. That made the Hulk more likeable also, especially after his comic relief moments during the film.

So Saturday I had to shell out $400+ on my truck for a big service appt. I'm gonna be happy not putting so many miles on the blue beast next year. She's treated me well though, so think of this as a luxury spa treatment for the engine. As I waited I walked a mile or so to the theater, met Molly, and we watched the Pirates movie. Sort of good, not great, lots of "adult" references if you paid close attention. Then it was off to FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. We had specifics to go after; Molly wanted The Avengers and Diary of a Zombie Kid. She got the Zombie book, but the Avengers were all gone at the first store we went to. I was interested in the Dinosaurs versus Aliens book, and the New 52 preview because of the 4 gate fold out poster inside. Both of those were gone too. I picked up my weekly books and we took off for the new store in the Junction, Hot Ace Comics. Sort of nice having a store so close. There we hit the jackpot; Avengers, New 52, and Dinos v Aliens. Problem was, store policy was one per person. So, we snagged the Avengers and 52, had to leave Morrison's Dino/Alien book. Too bad, the art looked great. One REALLy irritating thing: I needed bags and boards. I picked up a set of each. When I got home, I figured out that the boards are the exact size as the bags, which doesn't work as you know, because they wont fit inside the bags by 1/8th of an inch. SUCK. Gonna have to trim them I guess. DUMB.

Finally, the supermoon. I watched it rise. It was big, but I'm not sure it lived up to the hype. Seeing it rise over the desert mountains, with saguaro silhouetted in front of it was pretty cool though. Bad thing about it was that it wiped out any and all meteors that were supposed to show up that night. I didn't see any. I did sleep outside on the trampoline though, nice and cool.
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