Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Good Deed Gets Rewarded

The other day a package showed up on my doorstep. I didn't remember ordering anything. It was addressed to someone else, but the address was nearly identical. The house number was the same, just the street name was a little off. I kept the box and decided to locate the owner today.

The GC (Gold Canyon) is quite eccentric. I live on Rising Sun Place. Just one street over is Rim Rock Loop. Like I said, the house number was exactly the same, I just had to go one block north and VOILA, there was the house. Incredibly stupid house numbering system by the way.

I knocked on the door, stood there for a minute or two, then laid the package down to leave. There was another thin package already laying by the door, so I figured maybe the owners were out of town or something. Just as I was at the driveway, the door opened. I walked back and explained that I had gotten his package by mistake. I picked both packages up and handed them to him. He was thankful. As he looked at the packages, he noticed that the thin one was addressed to someone else. He showed it to me. IT WAS MY PACKAGE! Wow, no wonder our postal system is going to hell. I laughed and thanked him, we traded packages and I drove home.

Ended up being the module U1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, that I had scooped up on ebay about two weeks ago. I was starting to get antsy about it not arriving yet. Now I know why! Pretty strange, how that all worked out. But I'm glad. I owned U1 a looooong time ago. I dumped it at a used book store, along with a bunch of others after cleaning out some boxes and deciding that I would probably never get back into the game again. Little did I know that D&D is once again fashionable. I've been slowly rebuilding my collection ever since.

Just goes to show, good deeds DO get rewarded.

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