One reason I got out of comics was the ridiculous cross over events that forced you to buy 5 different books to keep up with one character. I understand the business model, more books = more money, but I didn't like feeling like I was getting short changed if I didn't buy ALL of the connected issues. That being said, Animal Man and Swamp Thing are connected. I didn't/don't have a problem with this because each book still focuses on its own characters. The plots of each book are intertwined though, which makes the stories even more interesting.
This month was issue #5 for each book. It was also the conclusion of the first story arcs, which have been building up to a climax. The concept is pretty simple, animal and plant forces are facing ultimate destruction by "the Rot", a destructive force intent on corrupting everything. Through a series of twists and turns, it looked like Animal Man and Swamp Thing would be able to defeat the rot. Animal Man has actually become secondary to his daughter, who seemingly has MORE power than her father does. Swamp Thing has been almost non existent, as Dr. Alex Holland has been extremely resistant to the fact that he IS Swamp Thing. This month's issues have been even more horrific though as things reached a boiling point. Animal Man's daughter makes a naive mistake, spreading the Rot even more, while Swamp Thing makes his own stupid choice; brought on by none other than .....you guessed it, A WOMAN!
The imagery in each book is frightening. Travel Foreman's style takes some getting used to, but his sketchy, jerky style really lends itself to the nastiness that Animal Man and his family face. In Swamp Thing, Yanick Paquette has a cleaner, more flowing style, which allows him to play with panel layouts and textures in all of their gory detail. Finally, having Scott Snyder write anything seems to be a sure fire guarantee that the story will be good. If you haven't checked them out yet, do it. You're missing out.

The new 52 has been has been a hit and I've been wanting to check out swamp thing just to see what it's like.
So you say Animal Man and Swamp Thing are connected? That would be geek heaven if the Bronze Tiger had his own title that was connected to the Suicide Squad title.
The Tiger being the ghost backup for Task Force X.
If you haven't gotten an issue of Swamp Thing, don't wait. Its one of DC's best books right now. Especially since Scott Snyder has the Midas touch right now. The connected plots are great, it doesn't feel like a gimmick just to sell more issues. Animal Man is just as good. Thing is, I don't know how you would read one without the other right now. I know thats specific to this story arc, so in the future, I'm sure each book will take off on it's own path, but maybe these issues are setting the stage for stuff down the line. I haven't read Suicide Squad, but you're right, the new 52 has been good.
Glad you came over and checked out thebronzetigerblogspot.com
The one thing comic writers have to stop doing though is leaning back on Ostranders take on the Tiger. His run was epic, now move on. Explore new ground.
That's really what my little postings are about. Let's take the number one superhuman spy hunter and make him a star.
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