HOLY BEJEEZUS!!! This is my new job! Seriously, I started working at an online school today. It is located in a trailer planted in a high school parking lot. The trailer has a nice coat of paint, the inside is divided up into neat little "offices", complete with a copy room, water cooler, break room, and a unisex bathroom. I have my own "office", which I share with two other "teachers". HILARIOUS! The room is about 10x12, has two cold war era, military issue desks, two empty filing cabinets, a wall shelf (lying on the floor), and some cheap rolling chairs. We had two meetings this morning. I had to keep from rip-snorting laughing because my boss IS Steve Carell. Each office lady attended the meeting with a yellow mini legal pad in hand, ready to transcribe every bit of uber important information our leader spoke. I, of course, chose not to bring a pad and pen. No loss, there wasn't much to write down. One of the office ladies generously handed me an office survival pack: highliters, paper clips, tape & dispenser, two sizes of legal pads, and some staples. I immediately stashed these into the sheet metal drawers of my battleship sized desk. The day was spent learning the ropes, at times I found myself counting the dots on the ceiling panels to relieve the boredom and checking my email about 5,000 times hoping for anything to provide a distraction. Maybe I'm missing something. My boss reminded me several times that tomorrow is "casual day". Big event.
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